Finding ants in your home is irritating, even if you find one or two ants lurking – you can be sure there will be a colony not far away. This makes it difficult to get rid of ants without expert help.

Ants are social insects that usually live in colonies which can range from a couple of dozen ants to millions of individual ants.
Ants are a common nuisance pest in Australia and if left unchecked can take over your home and surrounding environment.
Ants are usually a low-level health risk but it’s important to note that, although they are low risk, they can transmit bacteria from one place to another throughout your property – therefore cross-contaminating surfaces. Some Ants can also transport food-borne illnesses like E.coli, salmonella, staph and strep. Along with the potential transmission of diseases & Illnesses, research also suggests that ants can contribute to respiratory problems and can trigger asthma symptoms, especially with children & adults, who have allergies.
The nesting habits and incredible pheromone communication makes it difficult to get rid of ants. Pheromones are chemical signals which ants leave behind or pass on to each other by means of their long antenna. It helps them leave trails to find food sources and send alarm signals – Ants have one goal to relentlessly “thrive and multiply” – ultimately to survive you trying to get rid of them.