What pests do you have loitering around your property? Cairns and surrounds has a tropical climate with lush rainforests, mangroves and high rainfall, which create ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes and biting midges. Here’s some tips to spot those blood sucking mosquitos.
There are many species of mosquitoes and Australia is home to 300 different species. More than 220 mosquito species can be found in Queensland alone, and many of these are carriers of diseases such as Malaria, Ross River Fever and Dengue Fever. Fortunately, none of these diseases are endemic to this area, however they can be easily introduced by infected visitors who travel to the region from countries where the diseases occur.
The appearance of mosquitos are generally the same for each and every species. They have distinctive long legs and a long nose to draw the blood out of its host. Adult mosquitoes range in length from 3mm to 25mm
Both male and female mosquitoes feed on plant fluid but only a female will look for blood as a protein source to develop her eggs. There are four factors that contribute to what attracts female mosquitoes to bite. These factors include body temperature, body odours, carbon dioxide and air movement.
Do you have a mosquito infestation?
If you think you have a mosquito infestation, it’s essential to get rid of any possible breeding areas. It’s important to note that female mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water, this means you should be on the lookout for any vessel that holds or contains water.